Autism, Faith, and the Gifts of Neurodiversity
Nearly everyone knows someone on the autism spectrum, whether it’s a niece or nephew, a student in their classroom, a coworker, or a sibling, spouse, or child. About 1 in 45 people are autistic, according to the CDC, and autism is reported across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Yet much of what people think they know about autism is wrong.
On the Spectrum debunks myths with a realistic yet hope-filled deep dive into the heart, mind, and life of an autistic Christian. Daniel Bowman Jr., a novelist, poet, and professor, received an autism diagnosis at age thirty-five after experiencing crises in his personal and professional life. The diagnosis shed light on his experience in a new, life-giving way. In this captivating book, Bowman reveals new insights into autism, relationships, faith, and the gift of neurodiversity.
Rather than viewing autism as a deficiency, Bowman teaches readers—through stories of his heartbreaks and triumphs—authentic ways to love their neighbors as themselves, including their autistic neighbors who are fearfully and wonderfully, if differently, made.
Download the Discussion Guide here.